“A Canadian ‘Culture of Death’ where ‘Love is growing cold’.” : by Cy Winter.

Your big-picture question of “What’s happening to the Canadians and their Doctors?” (cf: www.LifeSiteNews.com : “Canadian Physicians: No to genital mutilation, yes to decapitation?, Aug 20, 2012 by Stephanie Gray.) may be partly answered morally in the context of the world-wide ‘Culture of Death’ of which Canada has been a leader in since our country legalized murder in the womb in 1069 under Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau.

 Like the Nazis of Hitler’s Germany, who legalized the Holocaust by discriminating against Jews and other groups of people by simply declaring them to be non-human and non-persons, Canadians have adopted the legalized holocaust of the unborn group of people, babies, children according to our legal code, but discriminating against them as non-human and non-persons to allow us to butcher and poison them with impunity, all to get rid of an inconvenience.

Jesus never said that life would be easy, but that taking our responsibility in an attitude of loving responsibility would enoble us. The great moral issues of life and death, generous and sacrificial love in the face of life’s difficulties, are being lost in a selfish ‘Culture of Death’ where ‘love is growing cold’ on a universal scale.

Hollywood-Bollywood’s selfish moral relativism based on how one feels at the moment is replacing moral principles such as the Fifth Commandment of ‘No Murder.’, which demands obedience to our loving God; in us freely choosing to love God and our neighbours, including the tiny unborn babies who can be such a source of joy despite the difficulties of caring for them.

Repeating the Fifth Commandment, Jesus told us that unrepentant murderers don’t get into Heaven. When we don’t believe in Heaven, this incentive to do good is gone, leaving evil rampant and devouring of innocent little lives through ‘murder in the womb’, the old definition of abortion.

The basic moral principle of respect for human life has been lost because “Love has grown cold!”. Now it is enshrined in our Law, Section 223, which immorally declares that “…a child only becomes a human being after it has completely left the body of it’s mother.”. Indeed, “Love has grown cold.”, institutionalized in this hard-hearted, totally immoral Canadian law, leaving me profoundly ashamed before man and God to be a Canadian.


Cy Winter,

Pro-Life advocate, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

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