“Bubble Zones in Ontario. Why? For Who? by Donald Andre Bruneau

Bubble Zones in Ontario. Why? For Who?

By Donald Andre Bruneau.

Feast of the Nativity of

Saint John the Baptist.

June 24, 2017.



Cyril Winter protesting abortion on Bank St. Ottawa, Ontario, April 20, 2017

Cyril Winter protesting abortion on Bank St. Ottawa, Ontario, April 20, 2017

As a pro-life advocate, I wish to speak to all Canadians about ‘Bubble Zones’. Just behind me here at 65 Bank Street, Ottawa, is a Morgentaler abortion clinic where preborn babies are brutally killed.

Plans are presently underway to pass a law to have bubble zones at every abortion clinic and hospital in Ontario. On behalf of all the babies in the womb who cannot defend, who cannot speak for themselves, I make a heartfelt plea for ‘life’. I address myself to:

…Mr. Yasir Navqi, the Attorney General of Ontario.

…Mr. Jim Watson, the Mayor of Ottawa.

…Mr. Charles Bordeleau, the Chief of Police.

…All M.P.Ps of the government of Ontario.

…And every Canadian.

Cyril Winter, a pro-life advocate, protests daily against abortion in front of the abortion clinic just behind me. The bubble zone controversy started after Cyril Winter was falsely accused by a Toronto Star journalist named  ‘Heather Mallick’  in an article she wrote on April 29, 2017. She portrayed Cyril as an evil man who spits at and verbally abuses the pregnant women who pass near him as they enter the door to the abortion clinic. I urge all Canadians to demand to see the security videos owned by the abortionist at 65 Bank Street and you will all the proof you need that the hate comes not from Cyril Winter but from the public and those going into the abortion clinic to kill their preborn child. Cyril is the victim of hate, not them.

I personally know Cyril, ‘Cy’ as we call him, very well. I have spent time in the past protesting with him on Bank Street. Cyril does not hate, he loves. Cyril has a great love for God and for all human beings, even those who persecute him. That is why he stands outside the abortion clinic with his signs, silently praying. We Canadians should thank God that Cyril has the heart and the courage to be as ‘an Angel of Life’ standing about a dozen feet away from the entrance door to the… ‘Chamber of Death’  upstairs at 65 Bank St.


Cyril’s silent presence with his graphic signs is a  ‘last and final appeal’  to the parents that have decided to kill their baby. Some parents did not enter the ‘Chamber of Death’—their baby lives today!…because Cyril’s signs showed them the horrific reality of how preborn babies are aborted.

The most common method of abortion is the ‘Suction and Curettage’ abortion done in the first trimester ( 5 to 13 weeks )

In this method of abortion the baby is literally shredded to bits as it passes through a very powerful suction tube. Ninety percent of abortions are done by this method.

 Another method of abortion is called ‘Dilation and Evacuation’ called ‘D & E’, where the baby is torn apart  ‘piece by piece’  as you can see here on my sign of ‘Baby Malachi’.

Baby 'Malachi' was butchered at 21 weeks preborn.

Baby ‘Malachi’ was butchered at 21 weeks preborn.

Abortion is the worst form of terrorism on the face of the earth. It is even worse than Islamic Jihadic terrorism, as horrific as that is. That is why I call it  ‘aborterrorism’.


Aborterrorism occurs behind closed doors—out of sight, and out of mind, a ‘silent Holocaust’. I prefer to use a more realistic name— ‘Chamber of Death’,  here at 65 Bank Street. Yes the killing is done ‘out of sight’…but! Let me tell you and no one will like to hear this…

“God is watching”

…and God’s Word says in Hebrews 9:27:

 “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, and after this the judgment.”


Be wise and heed God's warning.

Be wise and heed God’s warning.

This warning is for anyone and everyone who kills or co-operates in allowing aborterrorism to continue. Remember that on your  ‘Day of Judgment’  by Jesus Christ, Son of God, your co-operation to establish Bubble Zones, in order to remove ‘Angels of Life’ such as Cyril Winter, from being close to ‘Chambers of Death’, will be held against you for cooperating in the killing of the preborn children in the womb.

Now, the question of  ‘safety’,  which is the reason given for Bubble Zones to protect the abortion staff and their customers. Their lives are ‘not’ at risk. Cyril Winter has been protesting for over 4 1/2 years outside the Chamber of Death. Every move he makes is captured on video. Believe me, had Cyril been a physical threat to anyone’s safety he would have been removed ‘pronto’ by the Ottawa Police!

The issue of safety needs to be focused on the preborn child in the womb. He or she is the one in drastic need of a Bubble Zone! Yes! A Bubble Zone! That Bubble Zone is a ‘Law’ that will recognize the ‘humanity’ of the preborn child and make it illegal for anyone to kill it.

Deadliest place in Canada: a woman's womb.

Deadliest place in Canada: a woman’s womb.

Canadians, we must protect the preborn child from aborterrorism. Every human life is unique and precious, those already born and those in the womb. We are all created in the

‘Image of God’

 In Genesis 1:27-28:

“And God created man to his own image: to the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. And God blessed them, saying: increase and multiply, and fill the earth…”

God is a God of ‘Love and Life’! We are born to love God and one another. We are not born to kill one another! This is against God’s Commandment.

I so seriously ask you:

“Do you love God and your neighbour, the one you cannot yet see, yes, the one in the womb? Or, Do you reject God and kill your neighbour in the womb?

Does your worldview bring about ‘Life’ or ‘Death’? Be careful! This life continues after our death! There is a Heaven AND a Hell! Heaven for those who love. Hell for those who hate and kill. I pray that you will choose life for the unborn child and not rest till we have a Bubble Zone, a Law that will guarantee Life to the preborn babies in the womb. Note: you may see the video of this talk here..




Thank you for listening,

God bless you.

Donald Andre Bruneau.

Very Important Note:

Please forward the  video  “Bubble Zones In Ontario. Why?” to all your friends and M.P.P and M.Ps. Just google “Donald Andre Bruneau YouTube” for the video. ( 13 min. ) or see the link above,

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