On Canada Day 150, let us pray for Canada, a dying Nation!
This coming weekend we are expecting over half a million Canadians and visitors in Ottawa to celebrate Canada Day 150. I will not be wishing anyone “Happy Canada Day! Why? My heart is grieving, my heart is broken. Why?
Canada is drenched in blood! I know you are now saying: “What blood? Where’s the blood?” I answer: “No one sees it, because the blood is flowing out of sight, behind closed doors. The world calls it ‘reproductive rights’, ‘health care’ and ‘women’s choice’. I call it ‘aborterrorism’, which is the worst form of terrorism on the face of this earth!
Abortion is the worst form of terrorism on the face of the earth. Now let me explain to you why I say Canada is drenched in blood.
In Canada, a baby, a pre-born child, has no human rights. Welcome to Canada, the country where we kill millions of our ‘little ones’. Shouldn’t ALL human beings, all Canadians have human rights? Human beings ‘outside’ the womb of a women in Canada have human rights. Shouldn’t Canadians ‘in’ the womb have human rights also?
The Criminal Code of Canada Section 223.1 states that the pre-born baby in the womb is NOT a ‘human being’ until it is completely out of the woman.!
Science proves human life begins at fertilization..
On July 1st, Canada Day, I will be on my knees ‘praying’ for Canada and Canadians such as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. P.M. Trudeau has a deadly worldview, a deadly mindset. He fully supports ‘contraception, abortion, homosexuality (with its accompanying HIV/AIDS and suffering) and euthanasia, all deeply embedded in Canada’s ‘Culture of Death’.
I will be asking God for forgiveness for our sins against our little brothers and sisters in the womb who are daily being butchered to pieces. It is aborterrorism!
Remember, we as humans are each very special. We are created in the image and likeness of God.
We must repent before God for killing over 4 million Canadian babies created in His image!
In 2 Chronicles 7:14, God’s Word says:
“And my people, upon whom my name is called, being converted, shall make supplication to me, and seek out my face, and do penance for their most wicked ways: then I will hear from Heaven and forgive their sins and will heal their land.”
On Canada Day and after will all of you pro-life Canadians storm the gates of Heaven and petition God Almighty to give us at the next election, ‘a pro-LIFE Prime Minister and a pro-LIFE Government! God did a miracle in the United States of America: ‘Donald Trump!’ who is a fearless, God-loving, people-loving, baby-loving, pro-LIFE President!
God answered prayer. God did it for the U.S.A! God can do it for Canada too! In the next election I urge all Canadians to vote for pro-LIFE M.Ps.
Canada is a dying Nation! We must turn it around from being a ‘Culture of Death’to a ‘Culture of Life’, to a God-loving, pre-born baby loving, senior loving, disabled people loving, family loving country that is pleasing to God! We serve a |God of ‘Love’ and ‘Life’, not a God of ‘Hate and Death’ of neighbour.
So, on Canada Day remember to pray for Canada, the Dying Nation and remember 2 Chronicles 7:14. Pray, pray, pray….for a pro-LIFE Canada!
God love you all, God bless you all!
Donald Andre Bruneau,
Pro-LIFE advocate, Ottawa.
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