On Canada Day 150, let us pray for Canada, a dying Nation! This coming weekend we are expecting over half a million Canadians and visitors in Ottawa to celebrate Canada Day 150. I will not be wishing anyone “Happy Canada Day! Why? My heart is grieving, my heart is broken. Why? Canada is drenched in […]
Tag Archives | human being
“Open Letter to ‘Michael Coren’ re His Critique of Pro-Lifer ‘Mary Wagner’.
Michael, When I read your article in the Catholic Register, “Is it about the unborn?” ( CF:http://www.catholicregister.org/columns/item/19545-is-it-about-the-unborn ) I was stunned, hurt and angry. You asked: “Is it about the Unborn?” in your critique of Mary Wagner. As a pro-life advocate myself I respond ‘Yes’, it is clearly and uniquely […]
“Two Drastically Different Environments: One That ‘Preserves’ Life, The Other ‘Kills’ Unborn Life.”
Two Drastically Different Environments: One that ‘Preserves’ Life, The Other ‘Kills’ Unborn Life. Security and peace reigned in the political environment of the Parliament Buildings in Ottawa…until, suddenly ‘terror’ broke loose! A terrorist had just entered the Centre Block. The event is well described in the following link by Toronto Sun. ( http://m.torontosun.com/2014/10/22/canada-under-attack-by-homegrown-terrorists ) […]
“Without God, We ‘Self’ DESTRUCT.”
In this world-wide Culture of Death, humanity’s self-destruction is accelerating at a very rapid pace. Why is this so? Saint John Paul II explained it very well in his Encyclical “The Gospel of Life” (Cf http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/john_paul_ii/encyclicals/documents/hf_jp-ii_enc_25031995_evangelium-vitae_en.html ) “God alone has the power over life and death: “It is I who bring both death and life. […]
My Reflections On The 100,000 “Pink and Blue” Flags On Parliament Hill, Ottawa, Canada.
On October 2, 2014 I was walking on Metcalf Street towards Parliament Hill, Ottawa, to do my daily abortion protests with my graphic abortion signs. As I looked across Wellington Street I was stunned to see a very unusual sight, so pleasing to my eyes. It was pink and blue on the lawn located inside […]
“His Father Made It Possible, Now Justin Trudeau Is Imposing It–Aborterrorism!
OPEN LETTER Pierre Trudeau, former Prime Minister of Canada, opened wide the gate to ‘aborterrorism’ on May 14, 1969 with the passage of Omnibus Bill C-251. (cf: http://allianceforlife.org/faqs/ ) Abortion laws were liberalized as well as laws on divorce, homosexuality, etc. Enter the ‘Culture of Death’ in a way never seen before! Cf: http://www.solemncharge.com/post/2012/10/19/What-is-the-Culture-of-Death-The-Catholic-Meaning.aspx ) (Cf: http://abortionincanada.ca/history/abortion-in-canada-timeline/ ) No […]
“Stark Contrast Of The Two Wombs.” by Donald Andre Bruneau
As I read and watched the news about the “33 Chilean miners” trapped in the mine underground on October 13, 2010, http://mobile.reuters.com/article/idUSN0925972620101013?irpc=932 it lead me to write a poem titled: “Stark Contrast Of The Two Wombs.” The 33 miners made it out of Mother Earth ALIVE and had a ‘second chance’ at […]
“Nancy Pelosi Receives One Gift From Hell Followed By An Awesome Gift From Heaven. Her Choice?”
What a contrast! What a paradox! Nancy Pelosi, Congresswoman, and House speaker, receives within a week, two gifts. The first comes from Hell and the other is Heavenly. First, the award from Hell. Nancy Pelosi receives Planned Parenthood’s highest honor, the ‘Margaret Sanger Award’, on March 27, 2014. Why? Because as Cecile Richards, the President of Planned […]
“On ‘Ash Wednesday’ I Offered God’s Love and Mercy To A ‘prodigal son’ during My Abortion Protest.”
Today was ‘Ash Wednesday’, the beginning of ‘Lent’. I attended Mass and received the ‘ashes’. Lent is a 40-day journey of ‘prayer and fasting and almsgiving’. It is a time of grace in which to adopt the ‘attitude’ of the prophet Daniel who said: “I turnedto the Lord, pleading in earnest prayer, with fasting, sackcloth and […]
“Choose Life, Don’t Choose Abortion, Don’t Say “Yes” To The PILL.” by ‘Rose Nadeau’.
Personal Testimony of “Rose Nadeau” on the ‘Birth Control Pill’ Note by Donald Andre Bruneau: “The ‘image’ Rose refers to in her testimony is found above the poem: “Unborn Human Embryos, Babies: Both God’s Preciousness.” found in the Blog of www.striveforheavenow.ca. I sent her the poem, and being the creative artist that she is, I […]
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