“Out of sight
Is out of Mind.”
Are we, so bright,
Out of our minds?
Is out of Mind.”
Are we, so bright,
Out of our minds?
No more!
To forget
That you exist,
You precious little gift,
Is a denial of your pain.
To forget
That you exist,
You precious little gift,
Is a denial of your pain.
Your silent screams
Fall on deaf ears,
Like forgotten dreams
In last night’s tears,
Fall on deaf ears,
Like forgotten dreams
In last night’s tears,
Leaving me in mourning
With the coming of the morning.
“Raechel weeps for her children
For, they are no more.”!
With the coming of the morning.
“Raechel weeps for her children
For, they are no more.”!
Torn from mother’s wombs,
“Untimely ripped!”;
No tombs
To mark their passing.
“Untimely ripped!”;
No tombs
To mark their passing.
Slaughtered innocents,
Tossed in graves
Of unmarked garbage bins,
Allow us to
Pretend anew
That: “You’re not you!”:
Humans too,
Without voices
To complain
Of hidden pain.
Tossed in graves
Of unmarked garbage bins,
Allow us to
Pretend anew
That: “You’re not you!”:
Humans too,
Without voices
To complain
Of hidden pain.
Loving instincts
Grown stone cold;
Consciences killed
To make us bold
When baby’s killed.
Grown stone cold;
Consciences killed
To make us bold
When baby’s killed.
We adults take
Our selfish ease;
Our appetites,
We must appease
At babes’ expense;
No more please!
Our selfish ease;
Our appetites,
We must appease
At babes’ expense;
No more please!
Puts them on death row;
A few weeks only;
No appeals;
Love’s grown cold.
Puts them on death row;
A few weeks only;
No appeals;
Love’s grown cold.
We soon reveal
A heart of stone
To those we kill.
No “Joy of man’s desiring.”;
Only breasts with no milk.What are life’s goals?
No fruit of our loins
For posterity,
In peace and love
At home and hearth;
No sources of joy
In life,
Only Death.
A heart of stone
To those we kill.
No “Joy of man’s desiring.”;
Only breasts with no milk.What are life’s goals?
No fruit of our loins
For posterity,
In peace and love
At home and hearth;
No sources of joy
In life,
Only Death.
Cy.February 25, 2004.
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