Tag Archives | Christians

“The Martyrs In The Early Church…And Now…In 2015.”

    The Martyrs of the Early Church… and Now… in 2015   The soil of Planet Earth is drenched with the blood of Judeo-Christian martyrs. Yes, the precious blood of innocent human beings is being shed daily throughout the world! Why? It is because Christians and Jews are being slaughtered by Islamic jihadists. The […]

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“Be ‘Prophets of Truth’: Don’t Be Intimidated by The Supreme Court of Canada’s Decision in ‘Whatcott Case’.

Canada is now in the throes of the most dangerous crisis which can affect man due to the decision by the Supreme Court of Canada in the ‘Saskatchewan (Human Rights Commission) v. Whatcott’ Case released on Feb 27, 2013. This crisis calls out for ‘Prophets of Truth’!  Born-again Christian ‘William Whatcott’ was found guilty of […]

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“Drastically Needed: Brave Men And Women to ‘Expose’ The ‘Real Homosexual Agenda’: The Sodomizing Of Our Children.”

On February 27, 2013, the ‘Supreme Court of Canada’ released its decision in ‘Saskatchewan (Human Rights Commission) v. Whatcott.’   Born-again Christian ‘William Whatcott’ was found guilty of ‘hate-speech’ for distributing flyers that exposed the ‘sinful’ behaviour of homosexuals.  This is a tremendous blow against Christianity’s freedom of expression to call a ‘sin’ a ‘sin’, in […]

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