Tag Archives | Culture of Life

“You are responsible for so much more.”

I stood there with my ‘graphic’ abortion sign, near the ‘Eternal Flame’ on Parliament Hill, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, where I protest daily against abortion. I was approached by a Jewish man, one of  ‘God’s Chosen People’. He was holding, with a fatherly, loving care, his three month old baby. As he approached me, he held out his […]

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Aborterrorism: Comparing the “Abortion Holocaust” to “Terrorism”.

Yes, it is perfectly logical and justifiable to compare the “Abortion Holocaust” to “Terrorism”. LifeSiteNews has recently reported about a new video from ‘Priests for Life’ (c.f: Ultimatum:new video compares abortion holocaust with 9/11. (warning:graphic), by Kathleen Gilbert, August 7, 2012). This video makes the comparison between the abortion holocaust in the U.S.A and the […]

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A Reflection: by Donald Andre Bruneau

Each unborn Canadian in the womb of its mother is crying out for dear life… Canadians, please, let me live! Just as we live today, so does the unborn baby greatly desire to live out the ‘rest’ of its life, to come out of the womb of its mother, alive, in one piece. The unborn […]

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Welcome to Aborterrorism!

My name is Donald Andre Burneau. I  coined the term “Aborterrorism.” Abortion is the worse form of terrorism as it occurs daily, hourly, in the womb of pro-choice women, in today’s “Culture of Death”. My hope is that this website will accomplish the following: 1)      To Save: The purpose of Aborterorism.ca is to save the unborn […]

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Aborterrorism.ca uses only peaceful means to promote protection for the unborn.