Tag Archives | Donald Andre Bruneau

Premier Kathleen Wynne’s “Hidden Agenda” For 2015: ‘Transform Our Schoolchildren Into Gays With “Sex Education”.

 Lesbian Premier of Ontario, Kathleen Wynne’s ‘Hidden Agenda’ in 2015 is to seduce and recruit our school children into the ‘Gay lifestyle’ with ‘Sex Education’.   If we, parents and taxpayers, allow Kathleen Wynne and her Liberal government to have it’s way in the next few months with imposing ‘Sex Education’ into the Ontario schools in […]

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“Two Drastically Different Environments: One That ‘Preserves’ Life, The Other ‘Kills’ Unborn Life.”

Two Drastically Different Environments:  One that  ‘Preserves’  Life, The Other  ‘Kills’  Unborn Life.   Security and peace reigned in the political environment of the Parliament Buildings in Ottawa…until, suddenly ‘terror’ broke loose! A terrorist had just entered the Centre Block. The event is well described in the following link by Toronto Sun. ( http://m.torontosun.com/2014/10/22/canada-under-attack-by-homegrown-terrorists ) […]

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“Without God, We ‘Self’ DESTRUCT.”

In this world-wide Culture of Death, humanity’s self-destruction is accelerating at a very rapid pace. Why is this so? Saint John Paul II explained it very well in his Encyclical “The Gospel of Life” (Cf http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/john_paul_ii/encyclicals/documents/hf_jp-ii_enc_25031995_evangelium-vitae_en.html )   “God alone has the power over life and death: “It is I who bring both death and life. […]

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“Why and How The “Man Born In A Graveyard” Infiltrated A Gay Pride Parade.

Shortly after the Vancouver, B.C. ‘Gay Pride Parade’, August 03, 2014, I read “BC Humanist Association Open Letter To Whatcott Followers.” Jacob Liljenwall, the Executive Director of the BC Humanist Association in his ‘Open Letter’ is trying hard to turn Bill Whatcott’s followers against him.     (Cf: http://www.freenorthamerica.ca/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=10203 ) He said:”leave the man (Bill Whatcott) to his […]

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“A Gay Pride Parade?! Show Them This.”

Have you heard of a Gay Pride Parade that is soon coming? Please tell them to read the following  “Gospel Condom”, by Bill Whatcott. It is a matter of ‘Life or Death’ that they know about this. This “Gospel Condom” is a message of ‘Love in Truth’ about homosexuality by a man who does what […]

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Canadians, Say ‘NO’ To Euthanasia, Say ‘YES’ To Life And Love Of Neighbour

In today’s  ‘Culture of Death/Murder’  in Canada we are faced with another great threat to human life, this time it is aimed at the end of the human lifespan. Quebec has recently passed Bill-52 (http://www.lifecanada.org/quehttp://www.prophecynewswatch.com/2014/) (http://www.prophecynewswatch.com/2014/June11/115.html ) making euthanasia legal. The rest of Canada is in grave danger of having many of its elderly citizens […]

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“His Father Made It Possible, Now Justin Trudeau Is Imposing It–Aborterrorism!

OPEN LETTER Pierre Trudeau, former Prime Minister of Canada, opened wide the gate to  ‘aborterrorism’  on May 14, 1969 with the passage of Omnibus Bill C-251. (cf: http://allianceforlife.org/faqs/ ) Abortion laws were liberalized as well as laws on divorce, homosexuality, etc. Enter the  ‘Culture of Death’  in a way never seen before! Cf:   http://www.solemncharge.com/post/2012/10/19/What-is-the-Culture-of-Death-The-Catholic-Meaning.aspx ) (Cf: http://abortionincanada.ca/history/abortion-in-canada-timeline/ ) No […]

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Aborterrorism.ca uses only peaceful means to promote protection for the unborn.