Tag Archives | Pope John Paul ii

“His Father Made It Possible, Now Justin Trudeau Is Imposing It–Aborterrorism!

OPEN LETTER Pierre Trudeau, former Prime Minister of Canada, opened wide the gate to  ‘aborterrorism’  on May 14, 1969 with the passage of Omnibus Bill C-251. (cf: http://allianceforlife.org/faqs/ ) Abortion laws were liberalized as well as laws on divorce, homosexuality, etc. Enter the  ‘Culture of Death’  in a way never seen before! Cf:   http://www.solemncharge.com/post/2012/10/19/What-is-the-Culture-of-Death-The-Catholic-Meaning.aspx ) (Cf: http://abortionincanada.ca/history/abortion-in-canada-timeline/ ) No […]

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“Christmas and Abortion. Side By Side! Why!?”

This Christmas, besides wishing everyone a “Merry Christmas”, and not a “Happy Holiday”, make it an opportunity to speak out against ‘abortion’ . Speak the truth about abortion in love.  It is a very intense spiritual battle between the ‘Culture of Death’ and the ‘Culture of Life’. The choice is made so clear in John […]

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“The “Disobedience Disconnect” Between The Bishops and The Holy See Allows For The Ravages Of The “Culture of Death”.

The “disobedience disconnect” between the Bishops and The Holy See continues to allow for the greatest genocide on earth. I call this genocide of the unborn “aborterrorism”. It is the worst form of terrorism perpetrated against the most innocent and defenceless, the unborn baby in the womb of the woman. The main weapons of aborterrorism […]

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“Be ‘Prophets of Truth’: Don’t Be Intimidated by The Supreme Court of Canada’s Decision in ‘Whatcott Case’.

Canada is now in the throes of the most dangerous crisis which can affect man due to the decision by the Supreme Court of Canada in the ‘Saskatchewan (Human Rights Commission) v. Whatcott’ Case released on Feb 27, 2013. This crisis calls out for ‘Prophets of Truth’!  Born-again Christian ‘William Whatcott’ was found guilty of […]

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Aborterrorism.ca uses only peaceful means to promote protection for the unborn.