Tag Archives | Parliament Hill

“On ‘Ash Wednesday’ I Offered God’s Love and Mercy To A ‘prodigal son’ during My Abortion Protest.”

Today was ‘Ash Wednesday’, the beginning of ‘Lent’. I attended Mass and received the ‘ashes’. Lent is a 40-day journey of  ‘prayer and fasting and almsgiving’. It is a time of grace in which to adopt the ‘attitude’ of the prophet Daniel who said: “I turnedto the Lord, pleading in earnest prayer, with fasting, sackcloth and […]

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“Choose Life, Don’t Choose Abortion, Don’t Say “Yes” To The PILL.” by ‘Rose Nadeau’.

Personal Testimony of  “Rose Nadeau”  on the  ‘Birth Control Pill’ Note by Donald Andre Bruneau: “The ‘image’ Rose refers to in her testimony is found above the poem: “Unborn Human Embryos, Babies: Both God’s Preciousness.”  found in the Blog of www.striveforheavenow.ca. I sent her the poem, and being the creative artist that she is, I […]

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“Feedback On “Free Mark Warawa Rally” of April 15, 2013.”

We held our “Free Mark Warawa Rally.” (cf: https://www.aborterrorism.ca/free-mark-warawa-rally-at-freedom-flame-on-parliament-hill-ottawa-ontario-by-cyril-winter ) on April 15, 2013.  Even though this was an 11th hour decision that pro-life advocate “Cy Winter” made, I wholeheartedly supported him because of the huge importance and significance of the motives behind this rally.  It was done to bring attention to the great threats […]

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“Unborn.” A Poem by “Cy Winter”

UNBORN “Out of sight Is out of Mind.” Are we, so bright, Out of our minds? No more! To forget That you exist, You precious little gift, Is a denial of your pain. Your silent screams Fall on deaf ears, Like forgotten dreams In last night’s tears, Leaving me in mourning With the coming of […]

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“Be ‘Prophets of Truth’: Don’t Be Intimidated by The Supreme Court of Canada’s Decision in ‘Whatcott Case’.

Canada is now in the throes of the most dangerous crisis which can affect man due to the decision by the Supreme Court of Canada in the ‘Saskatchewan (Human Rights Commission) v. Whatcott’ Case released on Feb 27, 2013. This crisis calls out for ‘Prophets of Truth’!  Born-again Christian ‘William Whatcott’ was found guilty of […]

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“Drastically Needed: Brave Men And Women to ‘Expose’ The ‘Real Homosexual Agenda’: The Sodomizing Of Our Children.”

On February 27, 2013, the ‘Supreme Court of Canada’ released its decision in ‘Saskatchewan (Human Rights Commission) v. Whatcott.’   Born-again Christian ‘William Whatcott’ was found guilty of ‘hate-speech’ for distributing flyers that exposed the ‘sinful’ behaviour of homosexuals.  This is a tremendous blow against Christianity’s freedom of expression to call a ‘sin’ a ‘sin’, in […]

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“My Views of ‘Kathleen Wynne’, a ‘Lesbian’, As Ontario’s New Premier: Interview by Two Ottawa University Students. By Donald Andre Bruneau. Feb 22, 2013.

On Thursday, Feb 12, 2013 I was approached for an interview on video by two young ladies, students of Ottawa University, as I was doing my pro-life advocacy on Parliament Hill, Ottawa, Ontario.  I asked: “What are your questions? They replied: “Three questions. The first is: “What do you think of Ontario having a woman […]

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“My Response To Official Opposition Leader, Thomas Mulcair’s Claim That Christian Sexual Beliefs Violate Canadian Law.” By Donald Andre Bruneau, Feb 16, 2013.

Dear member of Parliament,   This letter is my response to Mr. Thomas Mulcair’s claim that Christian sexual beliefs violate Canadian Law.  What follows next in my open letter is said in a ‘spirit of love and compassion’, and not with any hatred or malice towards homosexuals.  There is a law that is ‘Supreme’, that […]

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Aborterrorism.ca uses only peaceful means to promote protection for the unborn.