Tag Archives | Parliament Hill

“We were discussing the killing of the unborn (i.e. an abortion) suddenly, she fled upon hearing the ‘truth’.”

On November 12, 2012, as I was doing my pro-life advocacy, I was approached by a middle-aged lady who wanted to give me  ‘her position’ on abortion, as she examined my graphic sign with the words “The Womb, Deadliest Place in Canada.” As I listened very carefully, she focused on my cross hanging below my neck […]

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“My God is loving and merciful. He ‘gives and gives’. He gave His only Son for me a sinner.” (cf: John 3:16)

A wonderful, young Chinese couple approached me on Parliament Hill, in Ottawa, Ontario, as I was protesting abortion with my graphic signs. They were engineering students from Toronto. As they questioned me about abortion we engaged in a most interesting conversation. I told them that in Canada the pregnant mother can kill the baby in her womb throughout the nine months […]

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She stood there with her sign: “Abortion Stops A Beating Heart.” by Donald Andre Bruneau.

She stood there with her sign: “Abortion Stops A Beating Heart—That’s Killing.” On Wednesday, October 10, 2012, I was doing my usual protests against abortion with my graphic signs, on Parliament Hill, Ottawa, Ontario, when a whole group of students arrived and gathered near the ‘Eternal Flame’. All of a sudden one of the students, […]

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Hand in hand with Mother Mary as I walked for ‘Life’.

Crossroads (www.crossroadswalk.org) PRO-LIFERS arrived on Parliament Hill, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, from British Columbia on August 11, 2012. They achieved their mission, their PRO-LIFE witness, through prayer and action.During their ‘walk for Life’ these twelve vibrant and prayerfull young adults witnessed to the sanctity of life, the right to life for the unborn human baby. I […]

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“You are responsible for so much more.”

I stood there with my ‘graphic’ abortion sign, near the ‘Eternal Flame’ on Parliament Hill, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, where I protest daily against abortion. I was approached by a Jewish man, one of  ‘God’s Chosen People’. He was holding, with a fatherly, loving care, his three month old baby. As he approached me, he held out his […]

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Aborterrorism: Comparing the “Abortion Holocaust” to “Terrorism”.

Yes, it is perfectly logical and justifiable to compare the “Abortion Holocaust” to “Terrorism”. LifeSiteNews has recently reported about a new video from ‘Priests for Life’ (c.f: Ultimatum:new video compares abortion holocaust with 9/11. (warning:graphic), by Kathleen Gilbert, August 7, 2012). This video makes the comparison between the abortion holocaust in the U.S.A and the […]

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Aborterrorism.ca uses only peaceful means to promote protection for the unborn.