We held our “Free Mark Warawa Rally.” (cf: https://www.aborterrorism.ca/free-mark-warawa-rally-at-freedom-flame-on-parliament-hill-ottawa-ontario-by-cyril-winter ) on April 15, 2013. Even though this was an 11th hour decision that pro-life advocate “Cy Winter” made, I wholeheartedly supported him because of the huge importance and significance of the motives behind this rally. It was done to bring attention to the great threats […]
Tag Archives | Motion 312
“When Your ‘Rights’ Are Attacked, Respond With The ‘Truth In Love’ And ‘Bless’ Your Ennemies.” by Donald Andre Bruneau
Many of you are aware, that thanks to our precious pro-life media, such as http://www.lifesitenews.com/news/ottawa-cop-takes-camera-from-pro-lifer-filming-arrest-threat-deletes-all-fi LifeSiteNews.ca and http://www.sunnewsnetwork.ca/ Sun News Media, my rights as a law-abiding Canadian citizen were totally ignored and violated by the Ottawa police on March 14, 2013. I have done a lot of self-reflection since that traumatic incident.I was filming the […]
“Today Is My Birthday! I Am…9 Months + 66 Years Of Age!
Today, February 2, 2013, is my Birthday! I am…9 months + 66 years of age! And still growing…a little older though, today. I thank God with all my heart that I am ‘alive’! I rejoice today, because nine months plus sixty-six years ago my life ‘began’. Nine months prior to my ‘birth’ I was conceived. […]
“Two Teen Girls Enter ‘Aborterrorism Centre’; Both Leave Within 5 Minutes! Mother Chose ‘LIFE’!
On January 16, 2013 when I visited my pro-life friend ‘Cy’ across the street from the 65 Bank St., Ottawa, he had great news for me! He believes an unborn baby was saved from the genocide of abortion! I call abortion ‘Aborterrorism’ (cf: www.aborterrorism.ca ) the worst form of terrorism against the most innocent, most […]
“Your Worldview, Will It Bring ‘Life or Death’ To The Unborn Baby And To Yourself?”
Your worldview is critically important to yourself and for others. Please examine yourself and your worldview because it is our usual guide in making our life or death decisions that will affect our own life and the lives of others, including the unborn, now and for eternity. What’s a worldview? “A worldview, whether religious or […]
“F_ _ _ yous!!…..She screamed out in our face as she saw the graphic abortion signs.”
F – – – you!! She screamed out at us. Last week as I was visiting with my pro-life buddy ‘Cy’ who regularly protests in front of the abortion mill at 65 Bank St., Ottawa, Ontario, when we were suddenly interrupted by a young lady who put herself ‘right in our face’ and screamed out […]
“Two Choices: God Made The Difference.” by Cy Winter
Today: two women ; two choices. What a difference! One chose life and love for her unborn child. The other chose death and indifference . The following are the two stories. At around one-thirty this afternoon, I saw a young woman (let’s call her Sandy) come out of the abortuary at 65 Bank St., here […]
“When She Died, She Came “Face to Face’ With Her Murdered (aborted) Unborn Baby.”
“When She Died, She Came ‘Face To Face’ With Her Murdered (Aborted) Unborn Baby.” Today, I received a very moving and unusual visit on Parliament Hill, where I protest with my graphic signs against abortion. Alex, a middle-aged man who is very pro-life approached me and began conversation with a very serious demeanour. He shared […]
“We were discussing the killing of the unborn (i.e. an abortion) suddenly, she fled upon hearing the ‘truth’.”
On November 12, 2012, as I was doing my pro-life advocacy, I was approached by a middle-aged lady who wanted to give me ‘her position’ on abortion, as she examined my graphic sign with the words “The Womb, Deadliest Place in Canada.” As I listened very carefully, she focused on my cross hanging below my neck […]
“My God is loving and merciful. He ‘gives and gives’. He gave His only Son for me a sinner.” (cf: John 3:16)
A wonderful, young Chinese couple approached me on Parliament Hill, in Ottawa, Ontario, as I was protesting abortion with my graphic signs. They were engineering students from Toronto. As they questioned me about abortion we engaged in a most interesting conversation. I told them that in Canada the pregnant mother can kill the baby in her womb throughout the nine months […]
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