Author Archive | Donald

“A Canadian ‘Culture of Death’ where ‘Love is growing cold’.” : by Cy Winter.

Your big-picture question of “What’s happening to the Canadians and their Doctors?” (cf: : “Canadian Physicians: No to genital mutilation, yes to decapitation?, Aug 20, 2012 by Stephanie Gray.) may be partly answered morally in the context of the world-wide ‘Culture of Death’ of which Canada has been a leader in since our country legalized murder […]

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Hand in hand with Mother Mary as I walked for ‘Life’.

Crossroads ( PRO-LIFERS arrived on Parliament Hill, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, from British Columbia on August 11, 2012. They achieved their mission, their PRO-LIFE witness, through prayer and action.During their ‘walk for Life’ these twelve vibrant and prayerfull young adults witnessed to the sanctity of life, the right to life for the unborn human baby. I […]

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“You are responsible for so much more.”

I stood there with my ‘graphic’ abortion sign, near the ‘Eternal Flame’ on Parliament Hill, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, where I protest daily against abortion. I was approached by a Jewish man, one of  ‘God’s Chosen People’. He was holding, with a fatherly, loving care, his three month old baby. As he approached me, he held out his […]

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Aborterrorism: Comparing the “Abortion Holocaust” to “Terrorism”.

Yes, it is perfectly logical and justifiable to compare the “Abortion Holocaust” to “Terrorism”. LifeSiteNews has recently reported about a new video from ‘Priests for Life’ (c.f: Ultimatum:new video compares abortion holocaust with 9/11. (warning:graphic), by Kathleen Gilbert, August 7, 2012). This video makes the comparison between the abortion holocaust in the U.S.A and the […]

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Pope Benedict XVI’s “Prayer For The Unborn”.

Lord, Jesus, You who faithfully visit and fulfill with Your presence The Church and the history of men;   You who in the miraculous Sacrament of your Body and Blood render us participants in divine Life and allow us a foretaste of the joy of  eternal life; We adore and bless You.   Prostrated before […]

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“Unborn” ….a special poem by “Cy Winter”

“Unborn” “Out of sight is out of mind.”: No more!   To forget That you exist, You precious little gift, Is a denial of your pain.   Your silent screams Fall on deaf ears Like forgotten dreams In last night’s tears, Leaving me in mourning. With the coming of the morning.   “Raechel weeps for […]

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I pray Dear God, “Let Them Live.”

I pray dear God, “Let Them Live.”   Dear Jesus I fold my hands and pray for all the little boys and girls like me I pray that they can live so they can smile and laugh and giggle with glee I pray that they can get to enjoy life on earth with Mom and […]

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A Miscarriage, Two Sorrows

Last Wednesday, (July 11, 2012) a woman told me of her deep pain because of a recent miscarriage of her ten week old baby which she held in her hand after it had died. She went back to her SUV and sobbed for five minutes before she could drive away. Her grief was awful to […]

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